Změna headlinera NTEY Df 2025 / NTEY Df 2025 headliner change!

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Asi víte, že headlinerem dalšího ročníku měli být legendární death / thrasheři z USA – Opprobrium… Vše je ale nakonec jinak, viz. níže. / You probably know that the headliner of the next year was supposed to be the legendary death / thrashers from the USA – Opprobrium… But everything is differently in the end, see below.

Aby se nám smůla na paty nelepila málo, přišla o víkendu smutná zpráva zpoza velké louže… Headliner Opprobrium ruší celé na květen příštího roku plánované tour a tím pádem nevystoupí ani na NTEY. Proč se tak kapela rozhodla nevíme, čekáme na nějaké oficiální vyjádření. Níže naleznete alespoň vyjádření promotéra a hlavního organizátora celého tour Gigiho:
“Hi Vlad, sad news!! Opprobrium decided to cancel the tour, after i sent them all tour closed with all details and agreement with promoters, I worked free for 3 months without to take my money of booking, and i continued to send a message by email and by social (Fb, IG) and they didn’t reply anymore. I tried to save the tour changed the early agreement, but it’s didn’t change anything. Now I’m very angry for this situation, I did bad impression with all promoters, Wasted time and lose money. I hope You can understand this bad situation and we can work together again.

Best regards Gigi Corinto – Grave Sin Bookings.”

Ale abyste nebyli zase tolik smutní, sehnala agentura jako náhradu za Opprobrium jinou kapelu. A pořád zůstáváme na Floridě, pořád jedeme na vlně technického thrash / death metalu a zase se vrátíme hluboko do osmdesátek – konkrétně do roku 1984, kdy tahle kapela vydala svoje první jednoskladbové demo jménem Nosferatu. A za celou dobu své existence se ani tahle kapela do České republiky, potažmo Československa nedostala, takže se jedná o premiéru a vůbec první gig u nás! Touhle kapelou prošla taková jména jako Frank Watkins (Obituary, Gorgoroth), Alex Marquez (Brutality, Malevolet Creation, Solstice) nebo Gabriel Lewandowski (Amon, Acheron). Dva původní členové Pat Ranieri a J.P. Brown vydrželi v kapele až do dnešních dní a předvedou vám, jak se hraje skutečný old school v podání HELLWITCH!
In order not to add to our bad luck, sad news came over the weekend from behind the big puddle… Headliner Opprobrium is canceling the entire tour planned for May of next year, and therefore will not perform at NTEY either. We don’t know why the band decided so, we are waiting for some official statement. Below you will find at least the statement of the promoter and main organizer of Gigi’s entire tour:
“Hi Vlad, sad news!! Opprobrium decided to cancel the tour, after i sent them all tour closed with all details and agreement with promoters, I worked free for 3 months without to take my money of booking, and i continued to send a message by email and by social (Fb, IG) and they didn’t reply anymore. I tried to save the tour changed the early agreement, but it’s didn’t change anything. Now I’m very angry for this situation, I did bad impression with all promoters, Wasted time and lose money. I hope You can understand this bad situation and we can work together again.
Best regards Gigi Corinto – Grave Sin Bookings.”
But in order not to be so sad again, the agency got another band to replace Opprobrium. And we’re still staying in Florida, we’re still riding the wave of technical thrash / death metal and we’ll go back deep into the eighties – specifically to 1984, when this band released their first one-song demo called Nosferatu. And for the entire time of its existence, even this band did not get to the Czech Republic, i.e. Czechoslovakia, so this is a premiere and the very first gig in our country! Such names as Frank Watkins (Obituary, Gorgoroth), Alex Marquez (Brutality, Malevolet Creation, Solstice) or Gabriel Lewandowski (Amon, Acheron) have passed through this band. Two original members Pat Ranieri and J.P. Brown has remained in the band until today and will show you how to play the real old school performed by HELLWITCH!