Hlásíme jednoho z headlinerů! Sice tahle kapela úplně nezapadá stylem do zajetých kolejí NTEY Df, protože nehraje death, grind, ani gore, ale slovo extrém vystihuje naprosto dokonale! Po dlouhých letech spánku v infernu se tahle banda vrátila na pekelnou smolou zasviněná pódia a chystá novou porci čertovin s albem We are God, které vyjde již za pár dní u Osmose! Bondage sado satanic metal v podání Tsatthoggua! A navíc to bude jejich úplně první vystoupení v ČR! / We announce one of the headliners! Although this band doesn’t quite fit the style of NTEY Df, because they don’t play death, grind, or gore, but the word extreme describes it perfectly! After long years of sleeping in hell, this band has returned to the stages covered in hellish pitch and is preparing a new portion of black magic with the album We are God, which will be released in a few days on Osmose! Bondage sado satanic metal performed by Tsatthoggua! And what’s more, it will be their very first performance in the Czech Republic!