7.H. Target (Russia) – ProgTech Brutal Slam DM
Thursday / čtvrtek 16.5. (May 16th 2019) 23:00 – 24:00
7 H.TARGET is an experimental brutal death metal band from Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.
Formed in 2010 and inspired by cyber-punk sci-fi aesthetics and the most bizarre forms of
music. 7 H.TARGET creates unique mix of crushing brutal death metal slams and noise
elements. The band released 3 full-length albums and 2 EPs and moved from Coyote
Records and Sevared Records to singning a contract with Willowtip Records for the
upcoming new 4th full-length album.
Alexey Menshov – Guitars, Noise
Konstantin Korolev – Bass, Vocals
Mikhail Panfilov– Drums