Deathtopia (JAP) – Gore Metal

Pátek / Friday (17.5. / May 17th 2019) 18:00 – 19:00


DEATHTOPIA is a Death/Gore Metal band from Japan  formed in Osaka during 2010 by guitarist/singer Mune and bassist John. After many local gigs, the band started recordings in September 2011 and the first album ‘Human Anatomy show’ was released by One-A Records.
Second guitarist Tassan joined the band and Deathtopia started to play in Asian and European tours between 2011 and 2014.
During February 2015 the second full-lenght ‘Cesarean Section’ came into this world through the label ‘Splatter Zombie records.
In 2017 Deathtopia played in 3 festivals in Europe including Obscene extreme festival and 2 festivals in Taipei and Manila and Marco Piras replaced officially John with bass and vocals. During January 2018 the new EP (7 tracks) was recorded and it was out in March 2018 released by Obliteration records and Splatter zombie records. After this release Deathtopia played in Europe and Japan to promote the new EP. The band annunced new full lenght for 2019.
Human anatomy show (full leght 2010)
Cesarean section (full lenght 2015)
Remember the pain (EP 2018)