Deep Throat (CZ) – Grind

Sobota / Saturday September 19. září 2020 16:00 – 17:00


Until It Stops… (Nice To Eat You Records – 047) 2012
Narcopulation (Nice To Eat You Records – 089, Rotten Roll Rex – 120) 2018


Mincer – blasting drums
Najmisch – Chernobyl explosion bass
Stihlda – deeply crushing guitar
Habosh – pitch-shifter
Split up of P.S. – birth of D.T. – live gigs – replacement vocalists #1 – live gigs – replacement vocalists #2 – live gigs – “Until It Stops…” CD recording – live gigs – CD release at the firm Nice To Eat You – live gigs – “Narcopulation” CD recording – live gigs – CD release at the firms Nice To Eat You & Rotten Roll Rex – live gigs…