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A teď si dáme trochu exotiky, protože co si budeme povídat, kapela z Indie na našem festivalu nehraje každý ročník (popravdě mě napadají snad jen matadoři Gutslit, coby jediná indická kapela, která na NTEY DF zahrála). Tahle kapela se jmenuje Godless a do světa stihla za devět let existence vyslat dvě Ep a full album jménem States of Chaos z roku 2021. / And now let’s get a little exotic, because what are we talking about, a band from India doesn’t play at our festival every year (actually, I can only think of matadors Gutslit, as the only Indian band that played at NTEY DF). This band is called Godless, and in its nine years of existence, it managed to release two EPs and a full album called States of Chaos from 2021.